Dominic Bowkett – Artificial Intelligence Article Writing & the Future

Does Artificial Intelligence Article Writing really work?

Any website owner who has done any research in increasing their presence on the web understands that content is the key. You have to have SEO if you wish to increase your SERPs (search engine result pages). One of the easiest methods to increase your SEO is to have articles, blogs, and organic content rich with keywords and engaging material. But who really has the time to write articles every day/week? Those which have small businesses or those which have full time jobs alongside their website may find that allotting time to article writing is not an option. Because of the rise of individuals seeking SEO content and due to the sheer number of websites (around 1.1 Billion according to Dominic Bowkett) artificial intelligence in article writing has boomed. What does this mean for the future of writing and the internet?

Dominic Bowkett

With a boom in artificial intelligence will come stricter algorithms

Dom Bowkett says, While there are already means in which Google and the other main search engines regulate their SERPs and determine quality SEO for the SERPs, it can be expected that measures will be put into place to validate the originality of articles created for blog purposes. Much like the CAPTCHAs which is attached to forms, it would not surprise me at all if WordPress, Blogger, and other article based sites start requiring such validation to keep the number of artificial intelligence articles at bay. Currently, no such methods are in place for restricting using artificial intelligence in writing your blogs or articles. As a result, a person could use several different sites to create several different articles a day. With all the keywords and content, it would be possible for that person to see a quick rise in the SERPs, but there is a danger in this abundance.

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Too many keywords can get your site marked as spam/malicious

One of the major drawbacks to having artificial intelligence article writing is in the output of the article says Dominic Bowkett. Artificial Intelligence article writing is based upon you inputting certain key words which you wish to have in the articles. Some bots allow you to input basic information about your business and select whether or not you wish to have photos in your album. It sounds good, but this does not mean that it is good for your site. The major issues which arise from using artificial intelligence in blog or articles are:

  • Keyword density may be too saturated spawning the search engines red flag algorithm to mark your site as spam or as malicious.
  • The flow of the article may not be consistent with actual human speech patterns and grammar, making it hard to read.
  • While the artificial intelligence claims that your article is unique, there is no guarantee that it will pass copyscape or the duplication screening process. The keyword phrases may cause these programs to mark it as unoriginal content.
  • The article may contain images, but those images may not be tagged and have alternative text added to them. This would result in poor SEO.
  • The articles may not have appropriate headers or headers which make sense.

These are just a few examples of the problems which occur when you let artificial intelligence maintain the SEO content of your page. It is always better to have at least a few humans on your staff to maintain the quality of the articles which you are presenting to the public.

Artificial Intelligence article writing and the future

Sadly, I do not see artificial intelligence going anywhere when it comes to writing. Most of us have a form of such intelligence in our computer. Even if you rely upon the intelligence of spell check and grammar check, you are invoking a level of artificial intelligence. Where the problem lays in not so much in using the tools to help you create quality content, but rather in the reliance upon such tools to do the job for us. My fear is that the boom in artificial intelligence in writing will spark a new level of laziness in a world already dependent upon technology. Compare the dependence upon calculators for math and the general populace’s ability to conduct even the simplest of equations. Now, transfer that same level of dependence to the artificial intelligence. Perhaps the age of communication is dying and we are going to a text message and instantaneous messaging world. I for one think that before we jump on this bandwagon we should question what is at stake.

Yes, use the artificial intelligence for a tool. Have the fail safe methods in place to increase your writing ability, but do not turn over writing and creativity to an automated process. Think. Formulate. Write. Inspire. These are the measures of a great article, regardless of whether it is written by a person or a machine. More information, just contact Dominic Bowkett.